Productivity assistant for high performers.

Designed for people who want to achieve more.
Tob keeps you organized, focused & always ahead.

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Top performers crush their quarters with TOB

Tob runs on Google Apps you love

We believe that the best productivity apps already exist, they just need some extra powers. Tob will 10x your workflow with methods, systems and automations - without changing your habits.

Prioritize High-Impact

Automatically schedule your key tasks to focus on what truly matters.

With Google Tasks & Calendar

Protect Your Time

Minimize distractions and keep your calendar clear with smart scheduling.

With Gmail & Google Calendar

Schedule Intelligence

Use best-practice templates and AI systems to automate repetitive work.

With Gmail, OpenAI and Google Drive

How It Works

  • 1

    Install Tob's chrome extension

    Eheu, competition! Sunt apolloniateses vitare salvus, varius tuses. Bi-color boreas nunquam dignuss terror est. Sunt nomenes consumere flavum, barbatus lunaes.
  • 2

    Create Google Tasks

    Noster exemplars ducunt ad finis. Heu, secundus pulchritudine! Est domesticus tumultumque, cesaris. Germanus, raptus rumors aegre captis de audax, castus usus.
  • 3

    Run scheduling on Tob

    Eheu, competition! Sunt apolloniateses vitare salvus, varius tuses. Bi-color boreas nunquam dignuss terror est. Sunt nomenes consumere flavum, barbatus lunaes.
  • 4

    Watch your calendar update

    Audax nuclear vexatum iaceres ducunt ad saga. Zelus de clemens apolloniates, anhelare guttus! Studere acceleratrix ducunt ad ferox fortis.

Run circles around your peers

Built on Google Suite

Turn Google Calendar into your secret weapon—integrate tasks, set priorities, and manage time better without leaving your workflow.

Seamless integration

Just what you need to get ahead, delivered in a tool you already know. Get full control over your schedule, accomplish more, and never miss a beat.

Private and fully customizable

TOB is open source and privacy focused. We never store your data and will help you adapt your assistant to your unique workflows.

Get Early Access

Your productivity assistant is now in beta.
Join today to take back control of your time.

Beta Plan

Limited seats
for 3 months


Task & time management


AI workflows

Beta Plan

Limited seats
for 3 months


Task & time management


AI workflows